On June 12, 2022, the exhibition “Without borders – wooden sculptures and panel paintings” was ceremonially opened with a vernissage.

Exhibits of the artist group RhönKunst by the artists Fred Rottenbach, Helena Denner-Ebner, Peter Van de Waal and Ronny Denner were shown. Moderator Sylvia Möller introduced the artists with the following words:
– Restoration and sculpture in perfection: the South Tyrolean Helena Denner-Ebner
– He combines metal, glass and bronze with wood: Peter Van de Waal from Holland
– The man who plays with fire, Fred Rottenbach from Empfertshausen in the Rhoen Mountains
– He shows portraits full of magic, power and beauty: Ronny Denner, a true Rhöner.

The laudation was held by Astrid Bein. She is an honorary member of the sponsoring association, works at the State Vocational Training Center in Bad
Saltings. Three of the wood artists there are colleagues of hers, hence the contact for the exhibition in Geisa.

In her laudation she described the individual artists and their works in an exciting way and began her speech with the following words: “Shh, did you see it too? Did you feel the gentle breeze? Did you notice the flapping of wings? And the sparks that still settled as a golden pattern on the robe? Fairy creatures? Angels floating up? Fragile sculpture. Human beings or supernatural beauty? Figurative sensuality, become from wood. Not alive, not dead. Without Borders.”

The finest musical entertainment was provided by Katrin Hofmann & Markus Höbler from the Thuringian party band called Rhönfieber.