Exhibition of the painter Herbert Lochner

On November 15, 2019, the Friends opened the special exhibition “Paintings by the painter Herbert Lochner from Dorndorf/ Rhön” in the gallery with a festive vernissage.

Dietmar Nichterlein, a long-time friend of the artist Herbert Lochner , spoke as laudator. Their shared love of art and red wine brought them both together many years ago.
Lochner is considered a good craftsman in his field, captures moods skillfully, combines the most diverse techniques in his works and is moved, but at the same time remains modest about the attention on this evening. An artist who leaves the interpretation of his works to the viewer and enjoys exchanging ideas with visitors.

His attention to detail in the animal paintings, his capture of moods in the nature studies, and also his experimentation with plastic materials in the paintings are impressive. This creates spatial effects that emphasize the subject in the works.

The event was musically framed by the musician René Bachmann-Wießner from Heringen. He is a teacher at the music school of the Wartburgkreis in Geisa and teaches students saxophone and flute.