From destruction to reconstruction
The presentation by Walter Schönfeld from Borsch about his home town of Dresden was very well received. He was supported in his presentation by Alicia Kraus. The sponsoring association had invited guests to this evening event at the ANNELIESE DESCHAUER Gallery.

Association chair Doris Heim welcomed around 70 guests and opened the event with the topic: “Dresden – from destruction to reconstruction, from the peaceful revolution to the present day”.

Movies from the 20s
Dresden experienced both glorious and tragic times. The old town was destroyed in a single night during the Second World War: by the 13. on the February 14, 1945. The black and white films from the 1920s shown by Schönfeld and the historical aerial photographs of the completely destroyed city after the bombing affected the audience. Pictures showed the oppressive impressions of the demolition of the destroyed city and the start of reconstruction.
Donations from all over the world for reconstruction
Schönfeld also dedicated a special chapter of his presentation to the reconstruction of the famous Dresden Frauenkirche, which began in 1994. The work was mainly financed by sponsoring associations and donations from all over the world. Video scenes from the consecration service on October 30, 2005 in the Frauenkirche were just as impressive as the musical contributions, the festive ringing of the bells and the sermon by Pastor Stephan Fritz on the great challenge of reconciliation work. The ruins of the destroyed Frauenkirche were thus transformed from a memorial against war and violence into a symbol of reconciliation.
Singing in the Frauenkirche
The video recording of the Concordia Borsch male choir’s performance a few years ago in Dresden’s Frauenkirche with the song “Glory to God in the highest” was also emotional.
At the end, Sylvia Möller thanked Walter Schönfeld and Alicia Kraus on behalf of the Friends for the fascinating presentation and expressed once again what was probably on the minds of many of the evening’s visitors when they saw the images of the destroyed city of Dresden: “That was 1945 – and today we see the same images of destroyed cities around the world in the news. In the Frauenkirche, the pastor had called for the great work of reconciliation by demanding a no to retaliation and a yes to reconciliation.”