On February 8, 2024, there was a royal visit to the ANNNELIESE DESCHAUER Gallery.
The reigning prince and princess couples from Geisa, Geismar and Ketten visited with their entourage and viewed the current special exhibition “Princess dresses”.
Doris Heim and other members of the sponsoring association provided information about the presentation of the princess dresses from 50 years of the Geisa carnival during a carnival drink.
The guests were very impressed by the tour of the art exhibition and then accepted the invitation of the mayor of Geisa to a reception in the town hall.
On the photo from the right:
Two ladies-in-waiting accompanied the Geisa Prince Martin II von Gangolfi (Martin Henkel) on behalf of Princess Lea IV vom Weinberg (Lea Nothe);
Martin, the 49th Prince of the Snowplow Baron on the Geismar Prince Throne (Martin Waider) and her sweetheart Franzi, the 49th Princess of Loose Laden zum Geismarer Prinzessinnengarten (Franzi Kritsch);
Princess Andrea II vom wilden Ross zu Walkes with Prince Philip I vom Löwenbändiger zur Trabert Ranch.