Wanbli Sapa “Black Eagle”
The local history association with its chairman Johannes Henning and the Rhönklub branch association Geisa with its chairman Jürgen Fleck had invited to the book presentation in the domicile of the Rhönklub on November 9th.

The new volume about the Native American priest Eugen Büchel (1874-1954), who was born in Schleid, was written by Wilhelm Ritz from Geisa.
The book in A4 size with 73 pages was published as part of the publication series of the Heimat- und Geschichtsverein “Geisaer Amt” e. V., which aims to make special topics accessible to an interested public.

Promoting the preservation of local history and customs
The Werner Deschauer Foundation supports the aims of the series and provided financial support for the publication of this book.
Sylvia Möller, a member of the Werner Deschauer Foundation’s Board of Trustees, attended the book launch and thanked the author Wilhelm Ritz for his great commitment to preserving the life and work of the Jesuit priest from the Rhön for future generations.